A story should have a history,
It should have an introduction,
It should have characters,
It should have a location,

It should have a mixture of communication effect,
It should have a problem solving effect,
It should run in sequence,
It should be original or imaginary,

It should not be assigned to anything,
It should have a value and dignity,
It should be simple, clear and accepted by all,
It should be created for a clarification,

It should have a rectification idea dialogues option ,
It should have a conclusion,
It should be fun to watch,
It could be a thriller,

It could involve a family atmosphere although not advisable,
It could have a friendship attitude,
Romantic attitude but not a sexy attitude,
It could be an entertainment,

It could have indoor and outdoor spots,
It could be natural and artificial,
It could be rich and poorness is not compulsory,
It could encourage dancing for humanity to save lives,

It could have a climax that is not negative,
It need not be completely serious,
It should not carry weapons,
It should be on human beings,

It should have a pleasant tone,
It should be productive,
It should be creative,
It should support,

It should be positive and not have a negative view,
It should be safe,
It should be honest,
It should not carry harsh words.

A story can also be a review and
 the story can also be reviewed.
The story of every human has a score.
The story of every company has a score.

The story of countries have a score.
Every human being has a score.
How many people in this world can give a score?
They are considered as the masters

But only masters should give a score
Anyone can improve the score with the help of masters
The day when television news gets the highest score is the day
when the human beings are considered to be humans.

Just imagine what the score is now
Every student would know that
human cannot score without understanding.

How to be a musician /
           scores on humanity /
                      Compilation errors an analysis

A country scores based on living standards
A political party scores based on its principles
A leader scores on how he leads
A bank scores based on its service

A company scores based on its product and service
A house scores based on its standard
A human scores based on his humanity
A media scores based on its content

A product scores based on its purpose
A food scores based on its taste
A cloth scores based on its purpose
A profession scores based on its importance

Education scores based on utilization
Memory scores are based on its capacity of access
Sin scores are based on its impact
Cost scores are based on its importance

Character scores are based on humanity
communication scores are based on efficiency
Skill scores are based on the problem solving capacity
Bank balance scores are based on the worth

Cleanliness scores are based on attitude
Duty scores are based on importance given
Low scores are based on ignorance
High scores are based on life study

Scoring is not just melody and agony
Scoring can be done on everything
The maximum the score is
more better is that human being.