Friday, August 3, 2012



Every human has a right to live
Like anyone else in this world
Then why is that some live in
Villas, apartments, huts and pavement

Then why is that some eat
Bread, rice, noodles, meat and pizzas
Then why is that some dress
Suits, pyjamas, jeans and kovanam

Then why is that some have
Millions, crores, lakhs and coins
 Then why is that some are
Leaders, owners, supervisors,
Brokers, thieves and workers

Every human has freedom to be on his own
Then who are some to put conditions
If rules, terms and conditions are there
There should also be disclosure

60% of people in this world are poor
Are there gates to help these people
Do the poor people know where the gates are
illiteracy, ignorance and cash are the problems

Is the history true
Are the terms and conditions open
Can a human being talk freely
Can a beggar be employed

Is poverty a natural phenomenon
Or is it a man made phenomenon
Is the nation responsible
If yes what should have been done

Do the poor people only suffer in poverty
Where are the measures to get rid
Would someone encourage who tries for it
How many gates exist to get rid of the poverty

Is there any education to eradicate poverty
How many countries come under it
How many countries support  them
What kind of support

Are there any emergency numbers
I am a nobody what if i get sick
What if i need 10k today
What id someone needs a job immediately

Can i volunteer for support
Can i raise ideas for support
Why am i seeing beggars and robbers around
Why is my area untidy and ugly

Actually i wanted to be happy
Actually i wanted to live in a green area
Actually i wanted to have a bank balance
Actually i wanted to have freedom

Aren’t  these
collection of actual
 not the poverty ridden
human beings dream words.

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